+43 316 80 89
Industrial Elegance Meets Urban Conviviality
Any restaurant and nightlife chain, like Soulkitchen, that hopes to attract the restaurant clientele of tomorrow not only has to create a richly contrasting tension between loft living and the latest culinary trends. It must also establish a setting in which the air-conditioning system is able to provide the highest levels of comfort during both the summer and winter months.
The greatest challenge at the Innsbruck marina site, which is right next to the Wifi campus of the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce, was to find a way of combining the aesthetic benefits with the needs of modern living. Close collaboration with the planning consultancy Tivoli Plan, together with the expert guidance of specialists Edmund Sparer Klima & Kältetechnik GmbH, resulted in the installation of a TOSHIBA VRF system with cooling and heating capacities of 54 kW and 63 kW respectively. As the installation had to be incorporated into the existing interior design in as unobtrusive a manner as possible, even during the busiest times of the day, the team opted for a special paint job in traffic gray as a recurring design feature to ensure the units blended tastefully into their surroundings. The same constraints lay behind the decision to place a jet-black protective sleeve over the pipework, which was then installed right across the almost 1000 m2 premises.
- Restaurant in Innsbruck
- Restaurant size 1000m²
Air conditioning technology, planning and installation
EDMUND SPARER Klima & Kältetechnik GmbH
Ampass, Austria
+43 512 393011
TOSHIBA products in this project
1 SMMS-e outdoor unit 17 kW, R410A
4 four-way cassettes 8/9 kW, R410A
4 ceiling units 5.6-8 kW, R410A