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AIR-COND Klimaanlagen-Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H.

Haushamer Straße 2
8054 Graz-Seiersberg, AUSTRIA

+43 316 80 89

+43 316 82 63 71


Zverejnenie podľa § 25 zákona o médiách

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All texts, photos, and graphical representations used on this website are protected by copyright. If you would like to use parts thereof, please contact the website operator. He can then put you in contact with the originator or beneficial owner, if necessary.
Responsible for content: AIR-COND International GmbH, Haushamer Strasse 2, 8054 Graz-Seiersberg


Terms of Use

1. Disclaimer

The content provided here shall be used as general information only. We do not assume any warranty/liability for the correctness, topicality, completeness, and availability of the information/services offered. In particular, no legal claims, which result from the use of the accessed information and services, shall be justified.
References and links to other websites have been carefully selected. Their content, correctness, topicality, completeness, and availability, however, are beyond our control and we, therefore, do not assume any warranty/liability for this.
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We endeavor to keep problems when accessing the information as minimal as possible due to malfunctions or incompatibilities. However, it cannot be ruled out that data and information on this website will not be displayed or be displayed incorrectly. We assume no liability that our service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by a malfunction.


2. Intellectual Property

All content, the design/layout, and any sound and video sequences are protected by copyright. All rights remain with the respective rights holders. Changes may not be made.
Public use of the information/services is only allowed with our approval as well as the indication of the sources. Merely providing a link to our content, while providing the source information at the same time, does not require a special authorization.

3. Final Provisions

The use of the information/services shall be governed exclusively by Austrian Law.
As far as parts or single wordings of this text disagree or no longer correspond to or not completely with the applicable regulations, the remaining parts shall remain unaffected in their content and validity.
In place of an invalid provision or to remedy a deficiency, an appropriate, legally admissible provision is applied which most closely approximates the sense and purpose of these Terms of Use in the awareness of the partial invalidity.



Copyright 2025 AIR-COND International GmbH  All rights reserved.